BodyTrak: Inferring Full-body Poses from Body Silhouettes Using a Miniature Camera on a Wristband
Hyunchul Lim, Yaxuan Li, Matthew Dressa, Fang Hu, Jae Hoon Kim, Ruidong Zhang, and Cheng Zhang.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 6, no. 3 (2022): 1-21.

C-Auth is a novel authentication method for smart glasses that ex- plores the feasibility of authenticating users using the facial contour lines from the nose and cheeks captured by a down-facing camera in the middle of the glasses. To evaluate the system, we conducted a user study with 20 participants in three sessions on different days. Our system correctly authenticates the target participant versus the other 19 participants (attackers) with a true positive rate of 98.0% (SD: 2.96%) and a false positive rate of 4.97% (2.88 %) across all three days. We conclude by discussing current limitations, challenges, and potential future applications for C-Auth.